Saturday, November 26, 2016


My attitude towards money:

For the longest time I didn’t like money. It seems to just get in the way of life. It was a constant reminder of having to deal with creditors and bills.  Now that I’m older and have a little extra to play with it’s not so bad. Money helps us live more comfortably. It puts food in our bellies and roof over my head.

I was fortunate enough to run a nonprofit for a number of years were all we did was give grants. It was an incredible job that I loved. Still the best job I’ve ever had.  It was great seeing how money could make such a difference in life. That would be dream job open my own nonprofit and just give money away.

How can money affect the way I live?
As I said previously it gives me a nice life style. I’m warm when it’s cold and wet out and cool when it’s hot and dry. I have warm showers and the most comfortable bed. We are able to have pets and feed the missionaries. Without money I could be like those that are living at shelters not knowing where my next meal will come from.

Rules recommended for prospering:

In this class we’ve learned all sorts of rules and they all have been good. Of course, save for the future, don’t take from your core funds, invest wisely the list goes on. To that I’ll add a few of my own rules I’ve learned along the way. 1. No spontaneous shopping. When shopping don’t just grab something and throw it in the cart. Stores are set up to get people to add extra items I do my best to not get caught up in that mess. 1a When you find that great item put it down and walk away. I’ve found if I roam the store or mall after time passes that item usually loses it’s luster, if it doesn’t go back and get it.  2. Don’t buy something just because it’s on sale. Just because it’s a good deal doesn’t mean I need to own that item.

These humble rules have helped me not get into crazy debt or buy random stuff I don’t need or want. All I need to do now is get a job we can recover from the curve ball life through us.

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