Saturday, December 3, 2016

Doing all I can

The real justification for existence of business according to Charles handy is “is not to make a profit… it is to make a profit so that the business can do something more or better.”

We learned in this week’s readings and video’s just that. Yes, we need to put food on the table but we need get the business to do something more or better. We should treat our employee’s with respect and care and support them. This can be done many ways, days off with pay, lunch’s or treats. Perhaps allow pets to be brought in to the office. When you take care of your people they take care of you.

We should take some of the proceeds of the business and give back to a local charity help the 
community we are a part of. As we make it more personal we will establish stronger bonds with our clients/customers and which will help us make that much of a greater impact.

Finishing the book A field Guide for the Hero’s Journey by Jeff Sandefer and Reverend Robert Sirico was on our list of things to do this week. It was a good book with different takes from people of all walks of life from all different times of civilization. I started volunteering at 11 years old and it’s all I have ever wanted to do, give back. My dream would be to start my own foundation and give grants. In the book I just mentioned on the last page it essentially asks if you accomplished all you wanted to, what would you want to do? What would be your next adventure? Take care of mom and help the world is my answer. I am doing what I can. I am happy knowing I’m doing all I can now. 

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