Saturday, December 10, 2016


This week we learned of Randy Haykin a quite impressive individual. Who, like many, kept them busy and learned all they could learn in many areas. He’s a great example of what we all should be doing. Getting a job and just doing the basics isn’t enough we should go the extra mile. It may not be in our job descriptions to do a particular task but if we are able we should help. There are the types of attributes I aspire to and should I get the opportunity look for in employees. I would want my employees to want to learn the different jobs the business has to offer. It allows for people to try out other fields of interest and help them improve their skill set. Although it may take more time to teach someone how to do something instead of just hiring someone to do it, it’s worth it in the end. That’s what we should be doing helping those around us. As we encourage our employee’s to grow and learn they become better people. We may lose them to another company however we can sleep well at night knowing we helped them become better. Until I am in that position to help others in a business I will do I can to help the business I’m in by learning all I can. 

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