Saturday, November 19, 2016

Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying

It’s funny how things happen. We move to get life in order then I lose my job. One is supposed to be sad but to be honest I’m not. I didn’t like commuting so far away from my family and I needed to be home more to help my mom. We have 3 calling to tend to plus school I was having a hard time getting things situated. I know I should be freaking out with the money but I have faith the Lord will open doors.

This was a busy week with papers, readings my heads still spinning from, a week reflecting my doubts and fears.  My interviewee said “Don’t be afraid, there are a lot of things to be afraid of in life but sharing your abilities shouldn’t be one of them.” True words

In chatting with my interviewee some business ideas have popped into mind it’s time to stop thinking and get busing doing. I’ll make mistakes I’ll have regrets, those thing will happen but it’s time to take a step forward and move. No more cowering and doubting.  

This scene from the movie The Shawshank Redemption sums it up best:

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