Friday, November 11, 2016


Everything we have learned up until now and this week has been uplifting and helpful. I have yet to find anything I disagree with and usually spend my time saying... duh doesn’t everyone know that? It helps I having been in the work force since I was a kid. Having an extensive background in the non-profit world is pretty nice too.

For me this week has been a week of faith. 4 months ago my family moved across two state lines, essentially from one end of the country to the other. We have loved every minute here in the PNW and don’t regret this change. Once we got the house in order we set out to find jobs.  I found a good one for what we needed.

Yesterday I was let go from said job. As I have good friends and family everyone is expressing sympathy, which I appreciate however I don’t feel that bad because I have faith.

Yes, hiring ethical people is a good thing. Not extending one’s self further then one can is a good thing. Leading by example is a great thing. But the best of things is having faith.

Our church is a working church as such we are asked to do specific jobs at no cost. In four months we have been given 3 of these jobs. The 3 callings together add up to a part time job. I care for my other part time, got to school part time and actually work part time. As you can see there are a few to many part times going on in my life.

My prayers these past few weeks when we accepted the last calling was help me find the time so I can do it right. By putting it in the Lord’s hands he found away and cut one of the part times out for me. That same day another work from home option opened up. Faith is an incredible thing. 

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