Friday, November 4, 2016

Blood, Toil, Tears, Sweat

Winston Churchill’s famous “Victory- Victory at all Costs speech was in a different time. The threat of Nazi’s was on the horizon and the world was at war.

We may be at a different time but we can still offer up all that we are in all that we do. Which is easier said than done at times, well most of the time. My math class for this week is crazy, even my tutor can’t quite figure out what’s being asked or how to do it. The human side of me wants to run and hide but as we are learning here in business class we need to toil give tears, sweat and maybe even some blood.

 Those that do give up don’t succeed and can’t enjoy sweet victory. (My entire family will rejoice when this math class is over, it's been that stressful, what's crazy i'm good at math!) It is easier to give up, but it’s not the Lords way. I’m grateful Christ didn’t give up in Gethsemane. That would have been really bad. Which helps give me courage to keep on going.

Thankfully I do not have to take on the sins of the world just figure out math for the real world problems that I have in my 40+ years on this earth have yet to use. Starting a business seems to pale in comparison to word problems. But then I have years of experience managing a business and zero experience with combining probabilities.

I’m extremely grateful heaven doesn’t require word problems to get in. I've given lots of toil, tears and sweat this week. Let's hope my math class doesn't require much blood. 

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