Saturday, October 29, 2016


We studied two things this week. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and we finished the book Mastery by George Leonard.  

Of all the 7 habits I think sharpening the saw is the one I need to focus on the most. I am notorious for diving in head first and plugging away at something until I can’t do it anymore at that point I walk away. I’ve started a number of hobbies and gave up after I get burned out. Just this week I unearthed a sewing project that was about an hour away from being done from a few years ago I never finished.

This leads me to what I took away from Mastery. Focusing on the mundane everyday stuff and learning to enjoy it. Becoming aware in all I do not just the project. I need to include dishes, TV watching even driving.  

By sharpening my saw on a regular basis and taking the time away from projects I won’t get burned out and I’ll become that much better at them. Taking the time to stop and do something else will help me to focus on the everyday stuff, such as dishes etc. As I hone my focus skills on one thing it will help me to hone my skills on the next thing.

If time allows I will be finishing that project today. If not today my next day off. 

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