Friday, October 14, 2016

A Hero's Journey

We watched and read many things in class this week. This week we saw/listened to a speech which was good but I still have no idea who it is. I agree with most of what he said. 

One thing he said that I seem to have picked up on years ago, is learn to live a life of meaning. I don't know how or when I understood this concept but I've known it for a while. I started volunteering at 12 years old. I didn't realize what I was doing was work I just loved helping people. In my young years of volunteering I also learned the importance of small things and how even just the littlest thing can make a difference, a smile for example. Someone who's had a bad day or week, who's been nothing but dumped on could have their day turned around with a smile. Which is another thing I picked up on as a kid that he spoke about be happy. No one wants to be around a downer.

The only thing I didn't "agree" with and it's just for me personally is writing myself a letter to keep me on the straight and narrow path for when I want to cross a line. For me a letter isn't something I need, for me a picture of the Temple is more appropriate. I have a current Temple recommend for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It's a wonderful thing that I don't want to lose because of poor decision making. 

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