Saturday, October 22, 2016

The Dreaded Plateau

Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment by George Leonard has been the most insightful from my readings this week. I'm the master at starting up something and never finishing it, it's a trait that drives me crazy. It's true in almost ever aspect of my life as well. I'll pick up a hobby such as quilting, I'll work on it then hit a plateau of learning get board and move on to the next hobby such as scrapbooking. 

We painted the dinning room in our home and I missed a 3 foot edge along the ceiling I've never gone back to fix it. I'll do dishes and leave that 1 pot on the stove. 

I get so close to the end and never follow through, part of it is my ability to forget anything that's not in front of me. My husband has joked about putting "I totally forgot" on my tombstone. We're only partially way through this book but it's helping me look at plateaus as more of an enjoyment verse a hindrance. I wish I could say oh it was this one line or x chapter that woke me from my stupor but not yet so far one has to read the whole thing, no cliff notes here.

I know I'll forget things, I am human but now I know I'll be better about following through with things. For that I am grateful. Now to finish up some old projects. 

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