Saturday, October 29, 2016


We studied two things this week. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and we finished the book Mastery by George Leonard.  

Of all the 7 habits I think sharpening the saw is the one I need to focus on the most. I am notorious for diving in head first and plugging away at something until I can’t do it anymore at that point I walk away. I’ve started a number of hobbies and gave up after I get burned out. Just this week I unearthed a sewing project that was about an hour away from being done from a few years ago I never finished.

This leads me to what I took away from Mastery. Focusing on the mundane everyday stuff and learning to enjoy it. Becoming aware in all I do not just the project. I need to include dishes, TV watching even driving.  

By sharpening my saw on a regular basis and taking the time away from projects I won’t get burned out and I’ll become that much better at them. Taking the time to stop and do something else will help me to focus on the everyday stuff, such as dishes etc. As I hone my focus skills on one thing it will help me to hone my skills on the next thing.

If time allows I will be finishing that project today. If not today my next day off. 

Saturday, October 22, 2016

The Dreaded Plateau

Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment by George Leonard has been the most insightful from my readings this week. I'm the master at starting up something and never finishing it, it's a trait that drives me crazy. It's true in almost ever aspect of my life as well. I'll pick up a hobby such as quilting, I'll work on it then hit a plateau of learning get board and move on to the next hobby such as scrapbooking. 

We painted the dinning room in our home and I missed a 3 foot edge along the ceiling I've never gone back to fix it. I'll do dishes and leave that 1 pot on the stove. 

I get so close to the end and never follow through, part of it is my ability to forget anything that's not in front of me. My husband has joked about putting "I totally forgot" on my tombstone. We're only partially way through this book but it's helping me look at plateaus as more of an enjoyment verse a hindrance. I wish I could say oh it was this one line or x chapter that woke me from my stupor but not yet so far one has to read the whole thing, no cliff notes here.

I know I'll forget things, I am human but now I know I'll be better about following through with things. For that I am grateful. Now to finish up some old projects. 

Friday, October 14, 2016

A Hero's Journey

We watched and read many things in class this week. This week we saw/listened to a speech which was good but I still have no idea who it is. I agree with most of what he said. 

One thing he said that I seem to have picked up on years ago, is learn to live a life of meaning. I don't know how or when I understood this concept but I've known it for a while. I started volunteering at 12 years old. I didn't realize what I was doing was work I just loved helping people. In my young years of volunteering I also learned the importance of small things and how even just the littlest thing can make a difference, a smile for example. Someone who's had a bad day or week, who's been nothing but dumped on could have their day turned around with a smile. Which is another thing I picked up on as a kid that he spoke about be happy. No one wants to be around a downer.

The only thing I didn't "agree" with and it's just for me personally is writing myself a letter to keep me on the straight and narrow path for when I want to cross a line. For me a letter isn't something I need, for me a picture of the Temple is more appropriate. I have a current Temple recommend for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It's a wonderful thing that I don't want to lose because of poor decision making. 

Friday, October 7, 2016


This week in my business class we had to create a fear list. List all the fears we have about starting a business. The second column was how to break that fear down and combat it. For example, if you’re afraid of losing that great job with a nice income one could get a part time job to help offset the costs while the business takes off. The last column was how long it would take to get out of the mess should that fear come to fruition. I filled out the form because I had to do an assignment however I don’t have those kinds of fears anymore.

1 year ago, if not to the day, to the week my husband was laid off from his job. After a lot of prayer, meeting with a member of church leadership and going to the temple we got confirmation we were to sell the house and move out of state. It’s not a hard thing people do it all the time. For us though the Lord made it an interesting ride.

As we had confirmation and direction from the Lord we knew what we had to do. We had a few family members freak out with the idea and throw up a number of questions/concerns. We’d get all sorts of questions, what about jobs? What about where you’ll live? The Lord didn’t give us those answers. The only answer he would give us was to the question directly ahead of us. They stopped asking because we couldn't give them any answers. All we knew was get the house ready for sale. Once we did that it was put it on the market. Once that happened it was wait until we could accept an offer. 

We had no idea what the final destination would be. All we knew was if we just take one step the Lord would provide a piece of the puzzle. Once that piece fell into place we’d be given the next piece. This went on for 10 months!!!! I have to “say” that again… 10 months! It was a crazy but incredibly spiritual.

Our situation was complicated with moving my mother and her deteriorating health but we succeeded because we carefully followed the Lord's direction and walked the path he provided for us. We didn’t argue or complain we just did the next step directly in front of us. By walking in that deep of faith for so long I’ve no learned there’s nothing to fret about if it’s God’s will.