Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Beginning

It is funny how life happens and things we don't plan on end up being wonderful. Here I am blogging again, not necessarily by choice. It's certainly not a topic I'd want to write about...myself. But life has guided me to go back to school and the stars aligned to bring me here.

Here I am, at the start a of a new journey. Thank you business class. At this point in this journey my eyes roll and my fingers want to type no thank you. Some how I have a sneaky feeling I'll be singing or at least typing a different tune by the end of these next 14 weeks.

Part of my business degree requires I take an entrepreneurship class. This week we learned everyone is an entrepreneur. I've never seen myself as an entrepreneur, although there are things about it that sound great, working for myself doing something I love. I am not a go-getter and the last thing I am is competitive. I've always put my life in the Lords hands, a leaf in the Lords wind. Floating from place to place. He's never steered me wrong. By doing so I've had some interesting experiences. Experiences, that I questioned at first, dating my now husband for example, but now I've embraced them. This class makes me thing I could help guide which way I go in that wind. It is an interesting concept that could bring some deep insights.

As long as the Lord stays at the helm, I'm game.

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